Glen Burn Trail News

The latest news on Glen Burn Trail and Ellicottville

Strap on Your Snowshoes and Explore Allegany State Park This Winter

Get out and explore the woods and various points of interest at Allegany State Park this winter. Join Park Naturalists who will lead interpretive snowshoe treks (or hikes if there is no snow) every Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. and Saturday at 1:00 p.m. until February 27th. Take in a sunset, meander along a quiet creek and discover a secret beaver pond or a historic site. Meeting places and hikes will vary. Masks are required and be sure to dress for the weather, bring water, a snack, a flashlight and your sense of adventure!

Pre-registration is required for all programs – please leave your name, contact details and number in your party. If you require snowshoes, call to reserve by 11:00 a.m. the day of the hike. For additional information and hike location visit or contact the Environmental Education/Recreation Department at 716-354-9101, x232 or And to learn more about how Glen Burn Trail can put you in the center of four-season fun contact Team Pritchard ( – Cathleen Pritchard or Melanie Pritchard (716-575-SELL).